Restoring Lives, Inspiring Hope
Hopess Residential Program Provides:
- Individualized Treatment. Length of Program is determined around your goals. On average our program is approximately 90 to 120 days.
- Addiction Treatment and the Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders
- Individual, Group and Family Counseling
- Assistance with your Court and Probation concerns
- Assistance for Parents who have children involved with Department of Children’s Services
- Treatment for Mood Disorders
- Specialized Treatment for Grief and Trauma Concerns
- Spiritual Guidance and Counseling
- Cultural Specific Therapies for Native Americans
Case Management Services to help you get your life back on track that include:
- Employment Assistance
- Open a Bank Account (We have a special program that will assist those with poor credit or who owe other banks money)
- Help you obtain new or replacement ID, License, Social Security Card, Food Stamps, or Birth Certificate to name a few.
- Help you obtain a phone
- Help you find supportive housing prior to your discharge
- Help you take care of your medical, dental, and eye care needs
Hopess understands the stress one is under when they have neglected certain areas of their life. Our team is dedicated to partnering with you and will help you accomplish the things you need to get done in order to be successful once again. You are not alone when you enter Hopess. When you enter one of our Homes you gain a family support system that will help you every step of the way.